Alessandro in a blue checkered shirt in from of white coloured furniture


Hi, my name is Alessandro Ceccarelli. In 2021 I joined the Equal Power Equal Voice Mentoring Programme. I was very lucky and privileged to have joined a vibrant group of people coming from a wide range of backgrounds and communities.

The main reason that pushed me to join the programme was that I was relatively new to Wales. I had done previous work in other nations, including England, but I wanted to connect with local communities and hear their stories. I was also keen to explore my options for future career development in Wales, as I had previous experience in the public sector, third sector, and academia, and I was still narrowing down my future opportunities.

I’d say one of the main benefits was the 1-1 mentoring support. I was matched with a brilliant mentor who helped me explore options for improving my leadership skills and build the confidence to apply for a few job opportunities.

I also enjoyed the training session on various aspects of the public and third sector in Wales, giving us a chance to meet some influential people from several groups.

Finally, I was able to connect with some local groups and people doing amazing work in Wales.

I enjoyed the programme and I strongly recommended it to people living in Wales who have an interest in influencing change.