
Mae’r naw mis a dreuliais fel mentorai ar y rhaglen Pŵer Cyfartal Llais Cyfartal wedi newid fy mywyd.

Mae’r mynediad a roddwyd i mi i bobl a mannau o bŵer wedi agor fy meddwl i nifer o bosibiliadau newydd ar gyfer fy mywyd. Roedd ymweld â’r Senedd a San Steffan, siarad â Gweinidogion ac Aelodau, a chlywed bod fy mewnbwn a fy mhresenoldeb yn bwysig ac yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi, ymweld â phencadlys BBC Cymru, a gweld y daith maen nhw arni fel sefydliad i fod yn fwy cynhwysol wedi fy ysbrydoli i freuddwydio’n fwy, ac i godi fy llais dros bobl wedi’u hymyleiddio.

Fe wnaeth y sesiynau gyda fy mentor fy helpu i roi fy ngweledigaeth mewn geiriau, a dechrau gweithio tuag at ei chyflawni. Fe wnaeth hi fy annog i fod yn fwy hyderus ac oherwydd ei hargymhelliad hi, cymerais ran mewn rhaglen creu newid, ac ennill grant i ddechrau codi ymwybyddiaeth a derbyn niwroamrywiaeth yn fy nghymuned leol. Fe wnaeth ei hanogaeth fy helpu i fagu hyder hefyd i wneud cais am swydd llywodraethwr ysgol.

Ar ddechrau’r rhaglen, roeddwn i’n hynod o swil. Mae rhwydweithio bob amser wedi bod yn anodd i mi, gan fy mod i bob amser wedi teimlo fel rhywun o’r tu allan, ond yn EPEV, mae bod yn unigryw yn cael ei werthfawrogi, ac roeddwn i’n teimlo’n ddiogel i fod yn fi fy hun ac i gael fy ngwerthfawrogi amdano, ac mae fy hyder wedi tyfu. Cefais fudd nid yn unig o ddoethineb fy mentor ond hefyd, o’r gweithdai ffurfiol ac o gefnogaeth ac anogaeth tîm y prosiect, a thrwy gysylltu â mentoreion a mentoriaid eraill.

Ni all unrhyw un newid eich bywyd i chi – mae’n rhaid i chi fod yn barod i roi’r gwaith i mewn, ond mae’n bendant yn helpu i gael pobl i gerdded ochr yn ochr â chi, eich annog, a’ch helpu i agor drysau a fyddai fel arall ar gau i chi; dyna beth wnaeth EPEV ei roi i mi.

Kateko is wearing a beautiful african print dress and standing on stage with a microphone


The nine months I spent as a mentee on the Equal Power Equal Voice programme changed my life.

The access I was given to people and places of power opened my mind to numerous new possibilities for my life. Visiting the Senedd and Westminster, speaking to Ministers and Members and hearing that my input and presence are important and valued, visiting the BBC Cymru headquarters, and seeing the journey they are on as an organisation to be more inclusive inspired me to dream bigger and speak up more boldly for marginalised people.

The sessions with my mentor helped me to put my vision into words and start working towards achieving it. She encouraged me to be more confident and it was on her recommendation that I participated in a changemakers programme and won a grant to begin raising awareness and acceptance of neurodiversity in my local community. Her encouragement also helped me gain the confidence to apply for a school governor position.

At the beginning of the programme, I was extremely shy. Networking has always been difficult for me because I have always felt like an outsider, but in EPEV uniqueness is valued and I felt safe to be myself and valued for it, and my confidence has grown. I benefitted not only from the wisdom of my mentor but also from the formal workshops, the support and encouragement of the project team and connecting with other mentees and mentors.  

No one can change your life for you – you have to be willing to put in the work, but it definitely helps to have people walking alongside you, encouraging you and helping you open doors that would otherwise be shut to you; that’s what EPEV gave me.